اليسر للأجهزة الرياضية

ستيب 2 درجات

ستيب 2 درجات

LE 1,800.00 EGP
LE 2,400.00 EGP LE 1,800.00 EGP
يوجد خصم علي المنتج
ابعاد الاستيب 
 درجات ط90 / 38ع/ ار25

فوائد استخدام ستيب
تمارين الستيب تفيد عضلات الساقين والفخذين والأرداف، كما البطن والذراعين بما أنّ الجزء العلوي من الجسم ليس ثابتاً إطلاقاً أثناء تطبيق التمارين. يمكن كذلك رفع الأثقال خلال ممارسة تمارين Step من أجل تقوية العضلات.
تمارين ستيب تعتبر وسيلة فعّالة لحرق الدهون، بما أنّها تساعد في حرق حوالي 400 أو 500 سعرة حراريّة في الساعة. لذلك، إن كنت تُريدين التخلّص من بعض الكيلوغرامات الزائدة وتحسين مظهرك الخارجي، لا تتردّدي في الإستعانة بأداة Step.
إن ممارسة تمارين ستيب بشكل دوري تحسن من الصحة بشكل كبير كونها تحسّن من عمل القلب والرئتين. كما أن انخفاض الوزن الناتج عنها سيقي من الإصابة بأمراض كثيرة كالسكري وأمراض القلب.

Grooved Top
Extra grip for added safety.

High-Density Polyethylene
Supports up to 275 pounds or 400 pounds with risers.
Achieve total-body fitness with The Step Original Aerobic Platform – Circuit Size – a residential, compact platform from the trusted leader in step fitness. This set includes a black nonslip platform and two original grey risers to create the foundation of any workout program. The overall dimensions of the original circuit-size platform are 28.5" L x 14.5" W x 4" H. The stepping surface is approximately 22" in length and 11" in width and includes a grooved, nonslip surface for added safety. Burn more calories the higher you step with 4" to 6" platform height options using the 14.5" L x 9.5" W x 2" H risers. Each riser and platform is made with four nonskid feet to prevent sliding or moving during exercise. These sturdy risers can be used on any type of indoor flooring from carpet to concrete to hardwood without leaving behind scratches. Each platform and riser also feature a resistance band notch, which safely holds the band in place. The Step is a great home-fitness tool for beginners to experts and is customizable for a variety of aerobic and strength exercises. Made in the United States, this set is crafted from durable, recyclable high-density polyethylene that supports up to 275 pounds (or up to 400 lbs. with risers). This product is backed by a 90-day manufacturer's warranty period. Technologies: Features a 22-inch-long x 11-inch-wide stepping surface Great home-fitness tool for beginners to experts Customizable for a variety of aerobic and strength exercises Durable Construction Made in the United States of America Crafted from durable, recyclable high-density polyethylene Supports up to 275 pounds (or up to 400 lbs. with risers) Grooved, Non-slip Top Stepping surface with a nonslip grip for added safety Adjustable Riser Includes four 14. 5” x 9. 5” x 2” original black risers Compatible with freestyle and original platforms and risers Burn more calories the higher you step with 4” to 6” to 8” platform height options Risers made with four nonskid feet to prevent sliding or moving during exercise Can be used on any type of flooring without leaving behind scratches. Technologies: • The overall dimensions of the original circuit-size platform are 28.5” X 14.5” X 4”. The stepping surface is approximately 22” in length and 11” in width •Great home-fitness tool for beginners to experts •Customizable for a variety of aerobic and strength exercises Durable Construction Made in the United States of America •Crafted from durable, recyclable high-density polyethylene •Supports up to 275 pounds (or up to 400 lbs. with risers) Grooved, Non-slip Top •Stepping surface with a nonslip grip for added safety Adjustable Riser •Includes four 14.5” x 9.5” x 2” original black risers •Compatible with freestyle and original platforms and risers •Burn more calories the higher you step with 4” to 6” to 8” platform height options •Risers made with four nonskid feet to prevent sliding or moving during exercise •Can be used on any type of flooring without leaving behind scratches
Features & details
Made in the United States from durable, recyclable high-density polyethylene
Includes circuit-size grey platform with overall dimensions (28.5" L x 14.5" W x 4" H) and approximate stepping surface of 22" L x 11" W. Also includes (2) black risers